
At Impact! was a mobile app concept for accident victims. The MVP’s focus was on vehicular accidents. The app guides a user through the process of what to collect at the scene of an accident and pushed that information to a companion website. The website allowed the user to add additional information and download or print the data as a report.

I was contracted to work on this project as a part of a local and remote team through The Mobile Vine. My role was as a Senior Visual Designer and I participated in brainstorming sessions; research work; and visual designs for some of the app’s screens, the logomark, app icon, landing page, and the companion website.

A team member and I worked together to conduct research on existing competitors, potential competitors that might enter the same space, and common mistakes and mishaps accident victims make at or during the scene of an accident.

I was also tasked with designing the logomark for the brand and in doing so, I had to keep in mind how the branding would be extended to the app and the app’s icon. During the research phase, we noted two competitors and they both used the black and yellow caution bars in their design. Using the car crash imagery allowed us to make AtImpact! stand out next to the competitor’s apps, while getting the message of the app across.

The majority of the app’s screens were designed by team members on the app’s development side while I designed the companion website in tandem. This allowed us to stay within our project timeline. While the app was in the development phase, I designed the launch screen and the emergency contact screen after it was determined these were needed after several app prototype iterations.

Using information from the brainstorming sessions, research and client meetings, I designed the app landing page and website. Care was taken to make sure that monetization goals could be met with the design of the website as well as downloads of the app. The website’s monetization strategy was through the use of ad space, paid listings in the listing directory and advertorial blog posts by industry related experts (lawyers, doctors, chiropractors, etc.).